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Power Supply Circuit using IC LM317

Power Supply Circuit using IC LM317

The primary part of this Power Supply circuit is the voltage regulator IC LM 317. This circuit is ideal for power circuits as the circuit of the power amplifier can deliver a current of 2A. In this circuit the transistor acts as a pass transistor Q1 to increase current capacity. The output voltage is set to 40V by using resistors R5 and R8.

Parts List

Resistors: R1 (39 ohm 1 or 2W Resistor), R2 (22 ohm 1/4W Resistor), R3 (68K 1/4W Resistor), R4 (220R 1/4W Resistor), R5 (47K 1/2W Resistor).

Capacitors: C1 (3300µF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor), C2, C5 (100nF 63V Polyester Capacitors), C3 (10µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitor), C4 (220µF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor).

Active Components: D1 (Diode bridge 4A), D2 (1N4002 Diode), D3 (LED any color), U1 (LM317), Q1 (TIP42A Transistor), T1 (230V Primary, 40V 2A, Secondary, mains transformer).