This is the circuit of the amplifier channel stereo BTL 15W audio power IC based on TA 8215 developed by Toshiba. In this circuit, power amplifier, TA 8215 two ICs are used. This is for the acquisition of four channels has two channels of each IC. TA 8215 is an integrated circuit with the stages of power amplifier and preamplifier integrated inside.
The power required for this amplifier is only 12 V DC. The maximum output power of each channel of delivery of this amplifier is 15 W at 4 ohm speaker and a so called 4 x 15 W power amplifier.

R1 R2 form a voltage divider that attenuates the input signal of 24 dB. Given the 50dB gain of the chip, leaving the total gain of 26dB, a little more than enough to fully saturate the amplifier when the sound card works at maximum output. DC C1 preamp input blocks. C2 is the ground return of the feedback circuit. These two capacitors have to be in the relationship is shown, in order to remove the switch clicks when turning the circuit on and off. The output pins 15 and 16 are connected directly to the speaker, while C7, R6, R7 and C8 provide adequate loading phase change to avoid high frequency instability.
The power supply is decoupled with a capacitor of 100uF rather small. That's enough to decouple the higher frequencies and lower frequencies anyway large capacitors in power supply from PC are fine. The pins 10 and 17 supply power amplifiers, while the pin 9 provides power to the previous stages. This power is filtered by C3. The control pin 4 to shut down power amplifier, an option is not used here, so it is tied to 12V. Pin 1 is an entry of silence also is not used and left open.